It's our first release:) MAR episode 59, we hope you'll like it!
It's softsubbed version, but we opened a Poll, please vote, which do you like better!
Torrent : [Espada] MAR - 59 [1CE6AF1C].mkv
Sorry, Seeding will be slow, we don't have an own server yet :(
We plan to finish the series, up to episode 102, so please donate if you like our releases! Thanks :)
[Update] XviD version: [Espada] MAR - 59 [5CB27F77].avi

Wow.. there is a god. Thank you for picking up this series. C1 and SS&AY are so slow.
thanks so much for picking up this series but ss-any stopped at 57 as far as i know and youve started on 59. Any idea where one could pick up 58?? Or at least who if anyone subbed it? Thanks!
Umm.. SS&AY did 58.
you are correct, i just found it
hey..are you a one man subber group or a few people?
i am from star fansubs and would be interested to lend a hand if you want to speed up the releases. I have been waiting for someone to lay a hand on this series as the current 2 groups are super slow. please respond to me at thanks
WOOOOOOOOOOOOT as ian said there is truelly a god. Thanks for subbing this anime you PWN :D.
Im low on money at the moment due to a lack of a job /cry but hopefully I will pass an interview soon, in which case ill donate to you guys for your server and what not.
Thanks Again
yea!!! thanks so much for subbin this. i was thinkin i wuld never be able 2 watch it all teh way 2 teh end.
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