And we're off! This episode brings the end of the beginning.. so to speak. :D
We spent some time on it, so we could get the typesetting down.. well.. I spent some time on it. *blush* I hope everyone is enjoying the changes that we're bringing with us into this new generation of Espada Subs.
Juumonji and I talk often, and have decided that we're going to go up to episode 102, then begin releasing 65+.. rather then going backwards to 65 and then moving forward. If all goes well, we should be able to start releasing an episode each week. *fingers crossed* We already have the translations, it's just a matter of me checking the translation, editing, timing and typesetting.. each episode.. which I love. ^_^ In the meantime, if any of you know me, you know that I have other shows that I work on.. so it becomes something of a juggling act.
We also setup an IRC channel on Immortal-Anime, and have established an account on Edward_K's tracker. If you're interested in providing a bot in the channel, let me know. My IRC is kinda funky at the moment, but there are many ways of contacting me. So if you're looking for our releases, from this point forward, you can look at and you'll be able to find them all. (well, there's only 87 right now, but soon, we'll have them all over there. ^_^)
You can get this release via DDL on my site, - You only need to make an account, then it's completely free for the download. Just go to the public downloads area. AnimeBreaker is going to upload the episode to megaupload for those of you who don't particularly like making accounts. We'll post that link below once it's uploaded.

Eyeshield 21 - Episode 87 <-- Torrent