I honestly meant to get the typesetting on this episode done before I left for AX.. but this is the episode where the Cream Puff games start.. and matching fonts right before I leave.. just wasn't happening. GOMENYO~
Still, two weeks is better than two months.. so I guess I'm still keeping in with the effort. :D
BTW, AX was the WORST CONVENTION EVER! I've never had such a horrible time at a convention, as I did at AX2008. The WORST! And can you believe, they actually gouged the venders, buttloads of money?! I mean, what kind of anime-loving convention, charges a vender $10,000
JUST to move their boxes into the dealers hall? They charged them even more for the tables they put the books on! LAME. I know so many vender types that won't be back next year.. and I won't be back either. I'd rather support SDCC or Otakon, rather than put anymore money towards such a horribly run convention like AnimeExpo.
Anyhow.. enough ranting.. let's get on to the good stuff!!

Eyeshield 21 - Episode 89 TorrentYou can visit us at #espada@irc.immortal-anime.net as well.