Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Eyeshield 21 - 85,86

Don't worry, they'll be out in a few days, if everything goes well, there will be Karaoke, and the releases will be better quality, so it's worth the wait;)


Jose said...

You are simply the best. I had already give up seeing Eyeshield, now I can't ask anything more.

Unknown said...

Thank you for fansubbing Eyeshield 21 ! I hope you solve the issues with the fluidity and the pixels which appear behind the subtitles and when things are moving fast.
We love you !

LJkAze said...

Little Pixels? anyways good job and keep up the good work. Btw are you people going to revise your work after you have caught up? Like a second version.

كـ،ـوٍُوٍْوٍَلآ said...

It;s worth to wait (:

thank you guys

Unknown said...

Thank you for subbing Eyeshield21.. I couldn't as for anything else... but only 1 quetion comes to mind.... Will you Sub Eyeshield21 up to the latest? Hope you do.... Thank you very much indeed!!!

Jinto said...

There only doing 82-102 since the ones that are our now by another group is CRAP and there just filling in the hole with there GOOD episodes the rest 103+ i have gotten from deimonhigh website

vedder said...

103+ good episode u can find it at www.instantz.net

forzaq8 said...

Thanks for the great work

hope for more :)

Unknown said...

I'm am interested in helping you guys with with the script of Eyeshield 21 (mainly in terms of grammatical errors, pointing out timing issues, and possibly help out with translation (not that I know Japanese; it's just that I can use the manga as a reference to look back to and possibly help out (am referring to the few lines that you guys might have purposely/accidentally skipped)). I would mainly be able to provide assistance through just informing you guys about it though (never actually edited a video before). If you're interested in my offer, contact me at aznlawbreaker@hotmail.com

Cyrogen said...

Thanks for picking this up guys, one of my favorite series.

Just one thing, the characters say "Magnum" so why not translate it to.... Magnum?

Anonymous said...

Thanks alot for releases..

Unknown said...
