We spent some time on it, so we could get the typesetting down.. well.. I spent some time on it. *blush* I hope everyone is enjoying the changes that we're bringing with us into this new generation of Espada Subs.
Juumonji and I talk often, and have decided that we're going to go up to episode 102, then begin releasing 65+.. rather then going backwards to 65 and then moving forward. If all goes well, we should be able to start releasing an episode each week. *fingers crossed* We already have the translations, it's just a matter of me checking the translation, editing, timing and typesetting.. each episode.. which I love. ^_^ In the meantime, if any of you know me, you know that I have other shows that I work on.. so it becomes something of a juggling act.
We also setup an IRC channel on Immortal-Anime, and have established an account on Edward_K's tracker. If you're interested in providing a bot in the channel, let me know. My IRC is kinda funky at the moment, but there are many ways of contacting me. So if you're looking for our releases, from this point forward, you can look at http://espada.fansub-torrents.com and you'll be able to find them all. (well, there's only 87 right now, but soon, we'll have them all over there. ^_^)
You can get this release via DDL on my site, http://www.otakara-island.com/ - You only need to make an account, then it's completely free for the download. Just go to the public downloads area. AnimeBreaker is going to upload the episode to megaupload for those of you who don't particularly like making accounts. We'll post that link below once it's uploaded.

Eyeshield 21 - Episode 87 <-- Torrent
Hmmmm, why go back all the way to 65?
Not to diss you guys of course since I'm glad you're working on this series but we all have good quality eps already going that far back.
After all, Saizen did the DVD's till 68 and Rasengan picked up where they left off and went up to 81, which is where Espada took off from.
INP started at 103 so basically there's a gap in the releases which currently ranges from 88 to 102.
I'd say those're the most important eps to release right now, but maybe that's just me.
there seems to be a new group that started subbing starting from where saizen left off, so why not just continue from 102 and make higher quality realeases than intantz and sekai?
by the way, thanks for the release. Been waiting a long time :P
Nanashi, thanks for 87 release, we have Megaupload mirror for Eyeshield 21 if you need it http://animebreaker.com/content/view/188/30/
Well.. going back to 65 was a decision the translator and I made. Saizen's 65-68 were available for the blink of an eye, and are very hard to find under normal circumstances. That's why we decided on 65 and not 68. I'm also attempting to download all of the DVD raws, but because they're older.. they're slow downloads. And I'm sorry, but I've seen all the subs for 68-81.. they're not all that good. Our translator feels the same way as me.. that it would be nice to have a properly translated/timed/edited 'set' of files from where Saizen left off.. and not a million and one different groups, typesets, etc. all thrown together. *shrug* I don't know what these 'good quality' eps are that yr referring to, but I'd like to see them.
Whether we do 103+ is still in the air. Nanashi and I would like to keep going, if we can find a good groove, however, our current translator has a thesis to finish, so once 65-102 is done, that's going to be Juumonji's focus. It's up to the person who comes along to do jap->eng translation for us, as to whether we ended up just continuing one.. so I dunno. INP is about 25+ episodes behind I believe.. and are just as sporadic as we are right now.. so it might be nice.. who knows.
Yeah, 88-102 are the more important episodes to us right now.. that's why I said we're going to go up to 102, then go back and do 65+.. instead of just going back to 65 and then moving forward. *wink*
Seriously, I don't know who can even consider watching Rasengan releases because from my opinion (and most likely a fact) their releases were horrible. (HORRIBLE!!) Their tl was off and their overall quality was very bad. So for those of you who said "why not just start from after Rasengan?" there's something wrong with you.
Leha: What's your irc channel adress? I tried #espada and #espada-fansubs on immortal anime, but no luck, really.
As for saizen's 65-68, they will be acessible soon enough from a planned batchtorrent on boxtorrents.com
Thank you for finally getting episode 87 out. I was beginning to think Espada was going to go extinct again.
Frank: It's #espada@irc.immortal-anime.net.. it could just be that no one was in the channel.. because I haven't been on in a while.. I'll try to login and see what's going on.
BigDan: Eep! No, no. We were doing so staff changes, and I also work on 2 other animes and 9 other scanlations.. on top of running my own fansub group and my own scanlation group.. and working irl, my kids, my website, etc and so on. I can guarantee you, 100%, we won't be disappearing or stopping.. slow perhaps, but not too slow if I can help it.
hmmmm, there's a new fansub which will be trying to bridge the gap between Saizen's ep. 68 and Instantz's ep. 110.
here it's :
They are a little mistaken. InstantZ started with episode 103, not 110. 110 is when they started adding the next time subs as well as the Karaoke, but InstantZ started with 103.
Thank you very much guys. Can't even put into words how happy I am that you guys are still active on this project. Keep up the excellent work.
I've seen instantz early "releases"... and if my memory serves me right, they screwed up anything there is to screw up: encoded in wrong aspect radio, LAGGY, LAGGY, video, and horrible at all fansubs "aspects".
Anyway, I have no idea why FibonacciDrago even mentioned Instantz...
Well, while we'd like to make everyone happy.. the fact remains that our translator has pretty much already translated all the eps up to 102. I'm not gonna waste the work put in by Juumonji on this project. I'm just going to keep moving forward.. if it turns out that another group is releasing (Funnuraba Fansubs) then I wish them all the luck as well.
Funnuraba Fansubs put out a very nice release with 69, and we wish them all the luck, should they choose to continue releasing. It's not going to stop us from continuing on the path that we're on either.
Unlike Scanlations, the fansub community puts out multiples of lots of shows.. only a few scanlation groups will take a project that's already being worked on by another group, where as, in the fansub community, everyone just kinda does their own thing.. it's considered a different type of law. *shrug*
As long as everyone is having fun and enjoying the releases, that's all that should really matter.. right? (well, ok.. accuracy, good translations and releases that *look* like you know wtf yr doing matters too.. but you guys get my point. :P)
Thanks for the ep. 87!
I agree with Kevin. Ep. 88 to 102 are the most important, because there no quality realeases of those episodes.
Keep going the good work. :)
(sorry for my lame English, not my first language).
Flavio, there are no quality releases of episode 70 to 86 either... (espada's quality before was questionable, but good now)
Where can I find epis 103+ ??
And kee the good working Espada! Ty!
finally your back...i thought i had to let go of eyeyshield.
actually people 85-101 are already subbed by deimon high which they are not releasing in torrents but loading them on video sharing sites, but if you watch them their quality is much more worst than rasengan.maybe this is why no one didnt subbed it for a long time beacause it was already liscensed by deimon high.
ESPADA CREW since your looking a new anime to sub and has good story to it also is popular and hasnt been sub yet. try doing MAPLE STORY the anime series.
ishimaru, Deimon High didn't sub those episodes. That is the Malaysian Sub they are using, and they warned everyone in advance that it was bad quality. Rasengan was high quality eleases, but the timing was screwed up, and they changed fonts every 3-4 episodes. That is why many people don't like rasengan.
Rasengan was pure shit. Tl was made up, timing was horrid, editing non existing. Go get yourself checked, bigddan11.
Actually with ishimaru, you guys could pick up MapleStory the anime. "When I Was" got stuck after releasing episode 5 before Christmas last year and that was that...need to find someone to continue it...
Eyeshield 21 Ending - BE FREE video animation
Thanks for subbing and trying to cover the break between subs. It's hard to find good quality episodes from 88+ onwards through to 100+.
Keep up the great work!
I sort of agree with kevin but anyway i hve good quality eps up until 96 then im missing eps 97 - 102 after that im missing eps 114 - 127. i hve 128 - 145 good quality. anyway if anyone knows of where i can get good quality eps that im missing pls tell me :D. ( i hve those missing eps but very terrible quality and refuse to watch them). btw i agree with espada but id prefer them to continue on until at least ep 127.
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