UPDATE: A.S.S (http://4-5-5.net) contacted us, they will take up Eyeshield 21 from Ep91, with our translations. Timers are always welcome, because we have 55 translated episode to release! So if you're interested contact us, also if anyone has the RAWs and can provide DDL or something that's faster than the l33t-raws torrents that would speed up our releases too!
So, hopefully you can see more Eyeshield 21 episodes soon^^
I'm not sure, but we might be interested in your scripts, depends on if our translators rather TLC than TL.
We asked if you were interested in a joint some time ago, but got denied. If you guys want to, we can make our releases an "imaginary joint." ^^
Like... include you in our filename, credits.
If that sounds fine to you, you could remove the download link, but that's up to you guys really. ^^
Hi! I hadn't thought so many people will be interested^^
A.S.S (http://4-5-5.net) has already contacted us, they will take it up from ep90, but if you are still interested I think you could help too, for example with the timing and maybe with some other things, also they are looking for translators too for their upcoming projects.
Hello. Are you suggesting a 3 joint project? -Musashi from Funnuraba.
It looks like the files for 86 and 87 are missing from the zip file, just so you know. :D
I hope that Espada stays subben for eyeshield 21, not other fansubs. I love your subs, Espada :)
Sorry for the last comment, I kind of screwed up trying to log in ><"
Anyway it's good that Eyeshield 21 shall continue. I liked your subs and I'm sure to enjoy your translations in later episodes :)
That is great :)
Hi guys a while back I started to sub Eyesheild 21 myself I completed 2 episodes 86,87 they are probably still on the public torrent sites some were.
I not going to lie they were not that great main reason was because I don’t speak Japanese and I had to work with old subtitled episodes with really bad translation and rewrite and fill in the gaps from what little Japanese I picked up from watching anime over the years. Anyway I found your site a while back I stopped doing it because your sub’s were hell of a lot better than mine. Anyway ill get to the point I downloaded your scripts today and suded episode 93 and put it on a public tracker. But if you like I could do the timing with your scripts and send them to you guys to put up let me know what you think
nolhar: we'll release ep93-94 with a.s.s fansubs in a few days, if you are interested and timing you should join #a.s.s@irc.rizon.net, like that the releases would be faster, and the same episode wouldn't be timed twice:P
why are the epesodes being released as .mkv and no longer .avi?
I don't want spoilers so I can't compare the translations from Espada and INP. Can someone tell me which is more accurate?
Also I saw some high quality raw links posted, some eps from INP are really bad quality like 104 and 106. And 143 from Deimon High is only half subbed. Hope you make those higher priority.
Hayata: I can't say 100% sure...but...more than likely Espada/Aero's subs are more accurate than INP's TL-wise.
The reason is that it's always seemed like they didn't go through TLC when I watched them...and that they didn't go through editing either.
On the note of episodes 104 106 and 143...we'll do them when we get to them. I'm not going to go time episodes out of order (I'm the only one timing them atm), because then I may end up getting confused as to which ones still need timing and whatnot, lol.
I risked a bit of spoilers and compared a bit of the episodes between Espada and INP for some eps between 82-90. The translations for INP were more accurate in relation to what the character was actually saying as Espada sometimes translated the sentence much shorter, thus leaving out some words the character said in Japanese untranslated.
The weird thing I noticed was that you said a.s.s are using your translation but it seems to me that translation wise INP is better than Espada, but a.s.s is better than INP.
Maybe you had different translators for eps 82-90 and eps 91+, or maybe a.s.s edited your translations?
<---is from A.S.S (now Aero)...so I can't say what their translations were like before, but the translations we're working with we've passed through TLC for every epi so far and nothing has seemed out of the ordinary. Maybe it was because they were probably working on them for so long. I don't really know though. :)
Hello, I look at http://www.aerosubs.net/?cat=11 and they are already started from episode 91.
I don't know about quality and subbing same as with Espada. But when will Espada subbed from episode 91? Or not anymore?
Can you tell me? thank you!
As far as I know Espada won't be doing them anymore...which is why they released the scripts to another group. I can't say for sure though, so my guess is that it is probably only Aero Subs doing 91+ now (with Funnuraba Fansubs doing the episodes in the 70s at the moment).
Oh, and to point something out...we (Aero) haven't released in awhile because we were waiting to get our hands on the DVD RAWs...the RAWs we had were complete crap. Now that they've started coming in we're working on them slowly...so releases ARE still coming =p
Is Aero fansubs still working? I tried to go to their webpage www.aerosubs.net but error occurred. And A.S.S. never release new episodes of Eyeshield 21
Aero subbed through 96, but the timing in the intro and conclusion was horrible as well as the next time credits and the little after the show moment. They have sense ceased to exist. Eyeshield 21 is now on Crunchyroll though, and they have through episode 101 up. They look like they'll have the entire series up before the end of the football season this year.
There is no Aero-site anymore. Which fansubs will subbing Eyeshield 21 from 91 to 145 :(
Why can not come back subbers of Espada Fansubs soon? I miss really eyeshield 21 anime!
ASS doesnt exist anymore nobody continues translating eyeshield21:(:(:(
Just for those that don't know already...yes, Aero/A.S.S Subs has died.
There was a lot of work done on the episodes but unfortunately I was never able to get people to help with the rest of the work that needed to be done on the episodes. HOWEVER! Digital Subs is now releasing ES21, though. They've already released 104-145 and are working backwards...they have a pretty good pace and as far as I can tell the quality isn't bad.
Now, I dunno if they're rips from somewhere or what, but they ARE doing it.
http://www.digitalsubs.co.cc/?page_id=63 that is their ES21 page. They are also on Rizon at #Digital, and no I am not in the group itself. Just thought I'd spread the word. ;)
If your subs are anything like the ones in episode 82, I might as well sub them myself. I DON'T EVEN KNOW JAPANESE.
I'm really going out on a limb with some of these to let them slide...but I hate to say it...there's a LOT of Engrish in this.
"How Pity."
"Arima Hayato's Amerikan Football Quiz"
"60-yard Derringer" -THE GUNS ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, DERRINGERS ARE WEAK ONE SHOT WEAPONS, INACCURATE AS HELL, AND IS EXPENDABLE. ("Derringer" Meryl from Trigun for example uses derringers, they look nothing like the gun Hiruma was holding in the flashback, a .357 Magnum)
Suzuna saying You-nii does not translate to Youichi...amongst other things.
Don't leave your calling card if you can't do the work necessary to make sense of the characters and what they say.
Look, I don't mean to be a dick...but couldn't someone do a finalization check or something?
As the corporations are saying right now to unofficial subbing groups;
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